Tongren Bao Ying Dan

HK$ 88.00

HK$110.00 In Stock

Remove wind and coldness, expel heat and phlegm. High body temperature, excess phlegm, pant, palpitation and sleeplessness caused by phlegm and heat accumulated inside the body.

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Tongren Bao Ying Dan


Remove wind and coldness, expel heat and phlegm. High body temperature, excess phlegm, pant, palpitation and sleeplessness caused by phlegm and heat accumulated inside the body.


Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii, Radix Saposhnikoviae, Herba Ephedrae, Rhizoma Gastrodiae, Herba Menthae, Concretio Slicea Bambusae, Ramulus Uncariae Cum Uncis, Bombyx Batryticatus, Scorpio, Arisaema Cum Bile, etc.

Usage and dosage

Take orally; 1.5 bottle for children between 1-3 years old. 2-3 bottles for children between 3-10 years old. 1-2 times daily, with warm water.


0.36g per bottle, 6 bottles per box.


Please consult the Chinese medicine practitioner's advice in case of any queries.

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