Beijing Tong Ren Tang Sporoderm-Broken Ganoderma Lucidum Spores Powder Capsules(90 capsules)
HK$ 840.00
HK$1200.00 In Stock
HK$1200.00 Out Stock
To enhance immunity. For the elderly and the frail or the people with low immune function. And for patients after surgery or medication.
SKU(eshop.tongrentangcm.com) only processing orders for delivery address in Hong Kong SAR. Free delivery at purchase of HK$500; Delivery fee is HK$48 under purchase of HK$500
Beijing Tong Ren Tang Sporoderm-Broken Ganoderma Lucidum Spores Powder Capsules
To enhance immunity. For the elderly and the frail or the people with low immune function. And for patients after surgery or medication.
For details: https://cm.tongrentang.com/lingzhispores/
Ganoderma Lucidum Spores.
Usage and dosage
Oral administration, 2 capsules each time, 2 times a day.
350mg / capsule, 90 capsules/ box.
Please consult the Chinese medicine practitioner's advice in case of any queries.

【Tong Ren Tang】 Angong Niuhuang Wan
【Tong Ren Tang】Angong Niuhuang Wan has created by the famous Chinese practitioner (Wu Jutong) in Qing dynasty. It is one of the three well-known products of Chinese medicine for cardiovascular health problem. To clear heat, remove toxin, settle fright, open the orifices. Febrile disease caused by pathogenic factors entering the pericardium, high fever and fright syncope, loss of consciousness, delirious speech.
HK$ 1280.00