Beijing Niu Huang Jie Du Pian (Sugar Coated)
HK$ 56.00
HK$70.00 In Stock
HK$70.00 Out Stock
Clear away heat and detoxify, expel wind to relieve pain. Dizziness and vertigo, mouth ulcers, toothache, sore throat, constipation, pruritus caused by accumulated heat in the stomach and lung.
SKU(eshop.tongrentangcm.com) only processing orders for delivery address in Hong Kong SAR. Free delivery at purchase of HK$500; Delivery fee is HK$48 under purchase of HK$500
Clear away heat and detoxify, expel wind to relieve pain. Dizziness and vertigo, mouth ulcers, toothache, sore throat, constipation, pruritus caused by accumulated heat in the stomach and lung. .
Flos Chrysanthemi, Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae, Gypsum Fibrosum, Flos Lonicerae Japonicae, Spica Schizonepetae, Radix Platycodonis, Fructus Forsythiae, Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, Flos Inula, Artificial Calculus Bovis, etc.
2 tablets to be taken orally 2 times a day.
100 tablets per bottle; 0.4g per tablet(core).
Contraindicated in pregnancy. Aviod pungent food.
Please consult the Chinese medicine practitioner's advice in case of any queries.