Tongren Dahuoluo Dan
HK$ 340.00
HK$425.00 In Stock
HK$425.00 Out Stock
To expel wind-evil and relax the tendons, activate the tendons, eliminate wetness. Pains in the limbs and trunk, insensitivity of hands and feet, dysphasia, these due to wind-cold-wetness type of arthralgia.
SKU(eshop.tongrentangcm.com) only processing orders for delivery address in Hong Kong SAR. Free delivery at purchase of HK$500; Delivery fee is HK$48 under purchase of HK$500
Tongren Dahuoluo Dan
To expel wind-evil and relax the tendons, activate the tendons, eliminate wetness. Pains in the limbs and trunk, insensitivity of hands and feet, dysphasia, these due to wind-cold-wetness type of arthralga.
For details: https://cm.tongrentang.com/heartbraincare/
Conducted by 6 medical institutions including Beijing Tongrentang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Rheumatology Speciality Clinic of 301 Hospital, the clinical study found that Tongren Dahuoluodan helps to reduce knee joint pain and improve mobility. +
Unique ancient formula - the ancient prescription name and efficacy were documented in “The medicinal formula of Tongrentang Yue's generation ancestral pill and ointment”and “Tongrentang Prescription" booklet.
+Source: The chapter 15 in the 12th issue of World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine 2020.
Agkistrodon(processed with wine), Calculus Bovis Artificial, Zaocys(processed with wine), Rhizoma Gastrodiae, , Radix Tehmanniae, Resina Draconis, etc.
1-2 pills to be taken orally 2 times a day.
10 pills per box, 3.6g per pill.
Do not swallow whole.
Contraindicated in pregnancy.
This product is not for prolonged use or as directed by physician.
Please consult the Chinese medicine practitioner's advice in case of any queries.