Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Concentrated Pill)
HK$ 60.00
HK$75.00 In Stock
HK$75.00 Out Stock
To nourish yin and tonify the kidney. Kidney yin deficiency pattern manifested as dizziness, soreness and weakness in the low back and knees, bone-steaming tidal fever, night sweating, and consumptive thirst.
SKU(eshop.tongrentangcm.com) only processing orders for delivery address in Hong Kong SAR. Free delivery at purchase of HK$500; Delivery fee is HK$48 under purchase of HK$500
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Concentrated Pill)
To nourish yin and tonify the kidney. Kidney yin deficiency pattern manifested as dizziness, soreness and weakness in the low back and knees, bone-steaming tidal fever, night sweating, and consumptive thirst.
Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Fructus Corni(Processed with wine), Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Rhizoma Alismatis, Poria , Cortex Moutan.
8 pills (1.44g) to be taken orally 3 times a day.
1 bottle per box, 240 pills per bottle, 1.44g per 8 pills.
Please consult the Chinese medicine practitioner's advice in case of any queries.