[Tong Ren Tang] Guizhi Fuling Wan
HK$ 82.60
HK$118.00 In Stock
HK$118.00 Out Stock
To activate blood, resolve stasis and eliminate mass. For chronic masses or amenorrhea due to blood stasis, abdominal pain during menstruation and postpartum persistent flow of lochia in women.
SKU(eshop.tongrentangcm.com) only processing orders for delivery address in Hong Kong SAR. Free delivery at purchase of HK$500; Delivery fee is HK$48 under purchase of HK$500
[Tong Ren Tang] Guizhi Fuling Wan
To activate blood, resolve stasis and eliminate
mass. For chronic masses or amenorrhea due to blood stasis, abdominal pain
during menstruation and postpartum persistent flow of lochia in women.
Cinnamomi Ramulus , Poria, Moutan Cortex, Paeoniae
Radix Rubra, Persicae Semen.
10 sachets per box, 3 g per sachet.
For oral administration, 1 sachet per time,
once or twice a day.
1.Contraindicated during pregnancy.
2.Contraindicated in patients with weak
constitution, heavy vaginal bleeding.
3.Contraindicated during menstruation and
three days after menstruation.
4.Avoid raw, cold, greasy and spicy food.
Precaution: Please consult the Chinese medicine
practitioner's advice in case of any queries.